We have a few reminders we want to share with everyone about social distancing and following CDC guidelines in the dojang.

1) We have specially arranged our lobby to accommodate social distancing per CDC guidelines.  Please do not rearrange the seating while visiting the dojang.
2) Please only have up to 2 family members accompany students into the dojang.  Most dojangs are not allowing family members into the building with students.  We are fortunate to have enough space that we can accommodate up to two family members per student.
3) All Parents picking up students from summer camp must sign out their student and wait in the lobby for them to be walked up.  This reduces other campers from being exposed t0 anything the parents may have been exposed to through out their day.
4) We have provided 2 benches outside our entrance for additional family members to wait for students.
5)  Please be sure to disinfect your shoes when entering the dojang.  It is only necessary to step on and off the mat.  Please do not scrub your shoes back and forth.
6)  MKMAC TKD Shoes can only be worn in the dojang.  Please do not wear your MKMAC TKD Shoes outside of the dojang.  We just received another order of shoes.  All students attending in-person classes are required to wear MKMAC TKD Shoes.  Please contact the office if your student is still in need of shoes.
7) All students must sanitize their hands before and after class.
8) Please wait for all students to exit the mat from the previous class before entering onto the mat for your class.
9) We have taped the mat off in 8ft x 8ft sections to keep students socially distanced on the mat.  This allows us to keep masks optional on the mat.  If two students are partnered together and will be training close to each other we will request for at least one of the students to wear a mask while working together.
10) We are not currently allowing sparring bags to be brought into the dojang.  Please be sure to leave your sparring bags at home or you will be asked to return them to your car.
11) Please be sure to bring your own water bottle to class.  We are not currently allowing students to use the water fountain.
12) Please stay home and attend zoom classes if you or anyone in your family has not been feeling well in the last 14 days.
13) Please let us know if you plan to travel out of state and where you plan to travel to.  If you have been out of state in the last 14 days please let us know where you have traveled to.
14) We are still disinfecting and sanitizing the dojang daily per CDC guidelines.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

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