Good evening,
We are sad to say that with the new business regulations the state set yesterday we will no longer be allowed to hold classes for 30 days. We apologize to everyone that had up-coming lessons scheduled. Our expected re-open date is set for Friday, April 24th. With that being said we want to assure you that our students will not miss time from their memberships. We will be extending memberships at no extra charge for the amount of time the state mandates us to close. Each student will be accommodated for the time and services they have paid for. We encourage students to practice at home and stay fresh on their curriculum. MKMAC is not liable for the environment you choose to practice in so Please be cautious of your surroundings and environment when practicing at home. We are thinking about online classes but with the new mandates there are also specific guidelines our staff must follow to provide online classes. We are still working on the details of getting that set up and addressing the problems that some other schools are running into with online classes. All Testing and other events have been canceled and will be re-scheduled after we re-open for classes. We will announce those dates as soon as we are able to schedule them. Please feel free to send us any pictures or videos if you are practicing at home and we will post them on our Facebook page. We will miss our MKMAC family through this closer, but we do want you all to stay healthy and safe. If you have any questions or concerns please email us and we will be diligent about checking emails and responding in a timely manner.

Sincerely, MKMAC

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